

Course Name

Full-Stack Mastery: Express, Node.js & MongoDB for Dynamic Backends

Course ID



Online (Combination of Live and Recorded Sessions)


Approximately 138 hours. Span: 10 weeks.

Course Objective

Full-Stack Mastery: Express, Node.js & MongoDB for Dynamic Backends is an immersive 10-week course offered by UET, designed to develop comprehensive full-stack development skills with a focus on backend technologies. This course covers server-side programming with Node.js and Express.js, RESTful API development, middleware integration, and NoSQL database manipulation using MongoDB. It includes practical projects to build a solid understanding of backend development processes. Upon completion, students will possess the expertise to construct scalable and dynamic backend systems for diverse web applications.


Fundamental knowledge of JavaScript and web development, familiarity with HTML and CSS, critical problem-solving skills, eagerness to learn backend technologies.